
 “The best way out is always through.” ~ Robert Frost


Boardwalk in the parkWhere to find me …

Diana Jurena Counseling

2202 E. 49th Street

Tulsa, Oklahoma 74105

Phone: (918) 645-7681

Fax: (918) 749-1841


Directions to 2202 E 49th Street in Tulsa Oklahoma:

E 49th St. is between 41st and 51st streets off of Lewis Avenue.

Turn west onto E 49th St.


You can also approach from I44 either East or West depending upon where you are coming from:

Turn North onto Lewis Ave.

Once on E 49th St on your left are 4 office buildings.

2202 is the 4th building and has no title on it and is located just North of 31st on the West side of Harvard.


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 Licensed Professional Counselor - Dianna Jurena